lunablossom's Diaryland Diary


The Diaryland Curse

I think I have the diaryland curse. The last time I started to get back into posting my brand spanking new computer up and went poof. Now I have a *new* brand spanking new computer and I start to post *again* and my router starts acting funny. It's as if someone in the cyber world doesn't want me to post on dland. Did one of you send a secret virus to me just to get me to shut up?

Today was Ari's fifth day with stitches. We were supposed to get them taken out today but here it is 6 pm, dinner still not eaten and stitches still not removed. I'm not sure whether to take my chances with the ER tonight or have her hang on to them one more day. They definitely have to get done tonight or tomorrow because my meeting with "The Witches" is Wednesday and we don't ever have time for anything else on Wednesdays. Thursday is just way too long to make the poor girl wait to have them taken out.

I went to the Museum of Fine Arts to find out if I could volunteer on Wednesday mornings, knowing once I got my foot in the door there it would be no time flat before I could figure out how to get some of my photography shown there. Can you imagine having a whole show to myself? I know I have enough pictures for a whole show but do I have enough GOOD ones. And do I have enough money to get them matted for a gallery?
Anyway, the process is more like getting a job than volunteering. I filled out an application and they did an FBI background check and checked my refrences. Monday I have an interview with the Gallery manager. Here I thought I was doing them a favor by donating my time and it seems like they are doing me the favor. Oh well, it's not like I have anything to hide other than a glutton-for-punishment work ethic.

On the first I'm going to try and get approved for a business license that way my bookcover business will be fully legit and I can actually set up a store front etc. Maybe then I can drum up some actual business. It should be fun. So, I have my writing, my photography, and my book covers, something will have to pan out eventually. In the meantime I can do what I do best; have fun.

6:12 p.m. - 2005-11-28


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